Bespoke Brazilian & Cuban Entertainment at your event!
Based in London

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The Full Story
It's has been a pleasure for us to be here with you over the last month and an immense honour for us to be one of those unforgettable trips. We would especially like to thank you all and Holland America for inviting us onboard once more and giving us the opportunity to share some of our Brazilian culture with you.
And for us, to be able to share this culture with you is incredibly important because of the opportunities that music and dance can bring. Life in Brazil can be really tough, poverty and crime are huge issues here, and it is often cultural opportunities like this that make the difference.
Music and dance were life changing for some of our Oi Brasil members: Antonio, our drummer, had to sell sweets as a kid on the streets to earn money for his family. Gustavo, was a shoe shine boy in the city when he was young so was our Capoeira Dayvid who used to sell Oyster at the beach. And it was the power of music and dance and in particular "Samba", that gave us the chance of a better life.
For us to be able to come onboard and bring you activities and shows like this really can be transformative to our lives and those of many others, so we thank you for that.
Oi Brasil has had the pleasure of working with many famous people over the years, such as Prince Charles, now King Charles, Bill Clinton amongst many others celebrities, and was also responsible for providing all the latin entertainment for the last James Bond film. But one of the longest and most valued relationships that Oi Brasil has is with our dear friends at Holland America, almost 10 years bringing Brazilian culture to such wonderful guests as yourselves.
So we are very honoured to have been on board of the Zaandam, on another South America Grand Voyage and we really hope our path come across again, who is joining us to the next one?
As many of you requested, we are sharing here a link to our photos below. We will be adding more so please keek in touch and ad your details to the contact form below if you want to receive more info, including a link for our talks, a Spotify link with the music we like to teach and some recorded classes so you can keep learning for the next trip:
Photos and a video highlights of the show at the World Stage in Rio:
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